Friday, November 20, 2009

The Holidays are coming... FAST!

I just want to let everyone know that with how fast the holidays are coming and the purchase of my new home I will be only taking on very few sessions until the new year. Some of the sessions I will be taking are those who are a part of my baby plan, maternity and newborns under the age of six weeks. Depending on how crazy my schedule is I may take on other sessions. Please do not hesitate to inquire. Its just with the renovations with my new home, christmas shopping and spending the holidays with my family things will be a bit busy.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

My new home! : Personal

It's official! I am now a homeowner! I just closed on my house on November 12th and its all mine! I am so excited. I originally put an offer on this house back in August and lost in a bidding war, but to my surprise the offer fell through and it went back on the market and i won the bidding war this time. :) There is still lots of work that needs to be done such as the kitchen cabinets need to be installed (that will be happening today), the doors need to be hung, the vanity needs to be installed and the hardwood floors need to be put down. Some family came by over the weekend to help out with projects and we were able to get quite a bit done. Started painting and hopefully we will be done painting everything this weekend. But for now, here are some pictures of the house when I first went to look at it. I will post some updates on the changes once I've settled in.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Madelyn : Newborns

Madelyn is only two weeks old and i cannot believe how alert she is for a two week old baby. She was wonderful to work with and i enjoyed working with her and her parents.

My fav's

Liam : Children

I had the pleasure of working with Liam and his beautiful mama again this past weekend. Liam is a part of my baby plan and will be turning 1 next month. Check out my favorites.

The Poulin's : Family

Last weekend I visited my aunt and uncle and took their family portraits. It's kind of strange to call them my aunt and uncle because they are only 10 years older than me. They just recenlty built a new house in Ct and its gorgeous! Here are my fav's from their session.


These are some more of my favorite's from my session with my co-workers daughter.

Gavin : Newborns

Here are a few more favorites from my session with little Gavin and his family.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Artist of the Month: Personal


Just wanted to announce that I have a display up at Atkins Farms in South Amherst for the month of November. I was chosen as the artist of the month and Saturday night I went and hung my 57 framed images for show. Many of my 2009 clients are featured throughout. If you are in the area or would like to enjoy a nice ride out to South Amherst I would more than appreciate it if you had a moment to check it out. My display is located in the seating area near the bakery. While your there be sure to enjoy some goodies... they have delicious food!