Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that I have moved the blog to a new domain and it's completely redone. Hope you like it! To view the new blog go to

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wedding goodies give away!

In the spirit of Valentine's Day and simply because I love love I am having a wedding goodies give away. Read further for contest rules and details.

The grand prize winning couple will receive:
-6 hours a la carte wedding coverage
-An engagement session
-A 60-day online private gallery of engagement images
-A 60-day online private gallery of wedding images
-An online slideshow of engagement images
-An online slideshow of wedding images
-15% off any and all albums, prints and products

The 1st runner up will receive:

-25% off any package.
-A 60-day online private gallery of wedding images
-An online slideshow of wedding images

The 2nd runner up will receive:
-15% off any package.
-A 60-day online private gallery of wedding images
-An online slideshow of wedding images

To Enter:
Take a picture of yourselves and get as creative as possible. I want you to send me a picture that truly shows me who you are as a couple. What makes you as a couple unique?

Details: Myself and a few other randomly selected people will be choosing the winners. I will be posting each couples photo that enters on the blog along with a few words about them. Make sure to send your friends and family to this blog and tell them to leave their vote as comment under the contest post. These votes will help myself and others choose the final winners!


-Submissions must be made by 11:59 p.m. EST on March 31, 2010. Please send all submissions via email to and put “CONTEST ENTRY” as the subject.
-Submission must include a creative photo of yourselves, date and location of the wedding, and a short essay about yourselves.
-The couple must be a fan of my work and willing to give me full creative control

Fine Print
-The couple must have their wedding date set in stone, and an idea the venue desired.
-Only open to couples getting married on or before December 31, 2011
-Couples who have a contractual agreement with another photographer are excluded from this contest
-Couples already booked with Jaime’s Photography are excluded from this contest
-Submissions from couples getting married out of the area are accepted but if chosen the couple is responsible for any and all travel expenses
-The winners will be chosen on April 7th and will be notified via email and will be announced on the blog as well.
-If winners fail to claim their prize within one week, prize is automatically forfeited
-Jaime’s Photography reserves the right to use personal discretion to select images for blog and final winner.
-Prizes are only valid for the winners selected, prizes cannot be passed on.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Couples Boudoir: Boudoir

Boudoir sessions are something I will be offering in the near future for women only. They make great gifts for your special someone but make a great gift for yourself as well as a way to celebrate your beauty. A friend of mine asked me to take these for her. I am not sure yet if i will be offering couples boudoir sessions or not but I have to admit I am quite thrilled with how they came out. The natural lighting in her bedroom and bathroom was gorgeous... and the tub was a bonus!
Here are a few of my favorites from their session.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Maddox & Ilan

Maddox & Ilan are the first set of twins I have ever worked with and I am so excited that they are a part of my baby plan so I get to photograph them and see them grow throughout their first year. They were about two weeks old for their newborn shoot and they are so freakin adorable! Here are some more favorites from their session.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sneak Peek little Madelyn: Children

More to come soon from this session as well. A quick favorite for now.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sneak Peek Baby Jack: Newborn

Another quick favorite... more to come soon from this session as well!

Sneak Peek Baby Maddox & Ilan : Newborn

A quick Favorite. More to come soon!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

a Fresh Start : Personal

Happy New Year! I like the start of a new year, I believe that a new year is like a fresh start... wiping the slate clean. I believe that reflecting on the past year at the beginning of a new year gives you a chance to evaluate how it was and gives you a chance to improve. I feel that everyone can improve somehow. I don't believe that anyone is perfect and I absolutely believe that I am far from perfect. I have been reflecting on my past year and I have to admit it was definitely not one of my favorites. However, the past year definitely had its pluses and I'm very grateful for that. Some of those pluses were graduating from college, working with new clients and return clients, and most of all buying my first home on my own. So I have to say it wasn't all too shabby. But after all this reflecting on that past year I have found areas where I would like to improve personally, business wise, and friendships so instead of making a new years resolution, i decided to make some new goals... If i meet them, awesome! If not, no sweat, I will just keep working at it.

Some of my goals for 2010, in no particular order

1. Laugh more, cry less
2. Learn to trust again
3. Be happy with what I've got
4. Be more laid back and not sweat the small stuff so much
5. Meet new people
6. Be more organized
7. Be more of a neat freak
8. Blog more
9. Decorate my house
10. Better appreciate my family and friends and spend more time with them
11. Book more weddings
12. Scrapbook more
13. Learn what the word relax means and practice it
14. Book a destination wedding
15. Book a wedding in a state I have not photographed in
16. Keep up with my photo albums (i have not done this since high school)
17. Eat Better
18. Meet my new neighbors
19. Find a good Chinese restaurant in town, the Wong Garden is too far:(
20. Increase sales of products besides prints
21. Increase sales overall
22. Take a road trip alone with just my camera and some good music
23. Start exercising more
24. Start offering Boudoir sessions
25. Save for a trip to fly to AZ and drive to CA and stop at a bunch of national parks along the way
26. Get in front of the camera more
27. Try new lighting techniques
28. Lay down on my couch and watch a meteor shower through my sky light :)
29. Take another road trip to Vermont in the fall with my sister
30. Start Christmas shopping early for once
31. Celebrate my birthday all week long! (July 2nd)
32. Organize my closet by color
33. Bake cookies for someone just because
34. Become a better cook
35. Do laundry more frequently rather than letting my closet get completely empty which forces me to do it
36. Buy a new computer
37. Experiment more with baking
38. Be creative in other ways
39. Save more money
40. Meet at least 10 of these goals this year

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

MIA: Personal

I apologize for the lack of posts lately. I just moved a little over a week ago and my office is not set up yet... I have no cable or internet :( so in the meantime my computer is still at my parents house. However please stay tuned for a few newborn shoots within the next couple weeks!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year! : Personal

It's a new year and I'm living in a new house. It will be 1 week tomorrow that I have been living in my new house. I am pretty excited but I must admit it is quite strange in a way. I will have pictures to come of what the house looks like now compared to what it looked like when i bought it.

I hope everyone has a happy and healthy new year!... Some photos from New Years Eve.