Thursday, October 22, 2009

What makes your day? : Personal

This morning I got an email from a co-worker at my full time job. We do not work in the same department but he has a real passion for photography and nature as do I. Reading his email really made my day! Dave I hope you don't mind that I posted this.

I visited your blog this morning to see what’s new. OMG!!!!!!!!! What fantastic work you are doing. It just keeps getting better and better and better. The latest stuff just blows me away. The wedding photos and senior photos are just fantastic. I can’t imagine how you get people to turn into movie stars, but that’s just what you do. I have never seen wedding and other photos like them, and your sister, you’re going to turn her into a star!
I think what also really clicks for me is that most of the work is outside in the most beautiful surroundings. Your subjects are so at ease and natural. You get them to relax and really show the dreamy love that they have for each other and for life. It shows your appreciation for it also.
How very precious those shots will be to them when they look back at their beautiful sparkling youth many years from now.
I also found your house hunting narrative interesting. Interesting that you wound up with your first choice. Good things do come to those who wait…….sometimes. I love houses and home and am in the process of restoring my boyhood homestead……….finally I’m home. Finally home, never felt home before. It makes the hard work easy…….labor of love.
Go girl, honestly your work will make you famous and the world will beat a path to your door!

Thanks Dave, It's very reassuring that people enjoy the work I do! :)

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