Sunday, February 1, 2009

I love my new camera and lenses! : )

I just recently purchased the new Canon 5d mark II and I LOVE it! So this weekend I was really itching to use it so I grabbed my sister and took a drive to Holyoke to get some outdoor shots. I really like my new 70-200mm f2.8 L IS USM lens as well! Thats what I used for all the shots below.

In the shot below i asked for a sexy face... and this is what i got. haha

This is obviously not of my sister but the vines growing on this building had a ton of character, I had to take a shot of it by itself, it was just so cool looking.


  1. The vignetting in that last shot.. did you do that PP or did that just happen when the new lens was used wide open?

    Either way I dig the feel of the last shot. Reminds me of the movie 'Session 9'.


  2. Great shots. Number 11 is my favorite. Love the colors in these and awesome bokah. the 70-200 2.8 IS is my favorite lens to use.

  3. Umm don't make fun of my sexy face. Obvisously I was kidding.. and you did not note that.

    <3 Your Little Sister

  4. Hi Timmy,

    Thanks for the comment. The vignette was actually partially already there.. the building in that area was slightly darker but with some pp I made it more dramatic.
